View as galleryIndependance Monument behind the statue of King Father Norodom Sihanouk
Phnom Penh Cambodia (2018 part 1)
Phnom Penh: the name can’t help but conjure up an image of the exotic. The glimmering spires of the Royal Palace, the fluttering saffron of the monks’ robes and the luscious location on the banks of the mighty Mekong – this is the Asia many daydream about from afar.
Source: Lonely Planet
Kampot Cambodia
Kampot's main attraction is its relaxing riverside setting. While there is a sizable town set back from the river, the majority of visitors will spend most of their time enjoying the river and the local countryside. Kampot's economy is based on Salt and Pepper production, fishing, fruit growing (particularly Durians) and light industry with domestic and foreign tourism becoming significant contributors over the past three years.
Source: Wikitravel.org